So...after a couple of years of requests and a degree in Journalism wasted, I'm finally starting my blog. Although I spent a couple of years living in an endless writers block, I now feel that I've got plenty to share :-) Enjoy and feel free to leave feedback.
x's and o's
Like I said on your facebook - keep writing every day if you can. As much as it helps you, it does even more for those of us who don't have your gift. We feel all our own emotions through your words. We laugh with you, cry with you, hope with you and love with you - we're all going through the same things in different lives, different times, but ultimately, pretty much the same. It's just that some of us can't express our own feelings with the beauty you can pull from all those emotions. You are my very special gift from a Father who knew I would need some help getting through all this. I hope you find something in me that can help you as much as you help me. ALL my love - Mama C